Lot #1419: ANSEL ADAMS - The Tetons and the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming - Original photogravure
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,800/2,000
Lot #1420: ANSEL ADAMS - The Tetons and the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming - Original photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,500/1,800
Lot #1422: BEULAH TOMLINSON - The Wharf - White line color woodcut
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,500/1,800
Lot #1423: STUART DAVIS - Thermos - Color silkscreen
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/3,500
Lot #1424: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Thinking Nude, State I - Color relief print
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1425: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Thinking of Him - Original color silkscreen
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1426: KEITH HARING - Three-Eyed Smiley Face - Color offset lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1427: ANSEL ADAMS - Thundercloud, Lake Tahoe, California - Original photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1428: STEVE WHEELER - Tigresita at Work - Color etching
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1429: HERGE [imputée] - Tintin & Snowy - Ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $2,500/3,000
Lot #1430: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Tintin Reading I (a) - Color offset lithograph
Pre-auction estimates: $600/700
Lot #1431: HERGE [imputée] - Tintin Waving, with Snowy - Ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/3,500
Lot #1432: ALBERT GLEIZES - Titre inconnu #2 - Gouache drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $8,000/10,000
Lot #1433: JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT - To Repel Ghosts - Color offset lithograph (front cover)
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,800/2,000
Lot #1434: PIERRE BONNARD - Toilette - Original drypoint
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $500/600
Lot #1435: DIANE ARBUS - Topless Dancer in Her Dressing Room, San Francisco, CA - Original vintage photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1436: FERNANDO BOTERO [imputée] - Toro (dorado) - Bronze sculpture with natural patina
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $2,000/2,500
Lot #1438: MAN RAY - Torso (Return to Reason) - Original vintage photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $400/500
Lot #1439: DIEGO RIVERA - Trabajador Descansando - Pen and ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $6,000/8,000
Lot #1440: RUFINO TAMAYO - Tres Aves y el Sol - Color lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,800/2,000
Lot #1441: ANDY WARHOL - Triple Elvis - Original color silkscreen & lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $2,750/3,500
Lot #1442: NORMAN ROCKWELL - Triple Self-Portrait - Color offset lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1443: ITALIAN SCHOOL [17th-18th century] - Triumph of Venus - Pen and ink with pencil drawing
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $300/400
Lot #1444: EDGAR DEGAS - Trois filles assises de dos - Original color gravure with pochoir, after the monotype
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1445: ROBERT FRANK - Trolley, New Orleans - Original photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1446: ANDY WARHOL - Truck #1 - Color offset lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1447: ANDY WARHOL - Trucks Suite - Color offset lithographs
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $4,000/5,000
Lot #1448: HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON - Truman Capote - Original vintage photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1449: DIANE ARBUS - Two Boys Smoking in Central Park, N.Y.C - Original photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1450: DIANE ARBUS - Two Girls in Identical Raincoats, Central Park, N.Y.C - Original vintage photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1451: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Two Nudes - Color relief print
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1452: HELMUT NEWTON - Two Playmates, Hollywood - Original vintage photolithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1453: ROBERT FRANK - U.S. 285, New Mexico - Original photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1454: EDGAR DEGAS - Un client serieux - Original duogravure, after the monotype
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $400/500
Lot #1455: JEAN COCTEAU - Un dieu grec - Pen and ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $2,000/2,500
Lot #1456: BRASSAI [gyula halasz] - Une colonne Morris dans le brouillard - Original vintage photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1457: PHILIP GUSTON - Untitled - Charcoal and ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $20,000/25,000
Lot #1458: FRANZ KLINE - Untitled - Oil on panel
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $35,000/40,000
Lot #1459: JOAN MITCHELL [imputée] - Untitled - Oil on canvas
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $6,000/8,000
Lot #1460: ADOLPH GOTTLIEB [imputée] - Untitled #1 - Acrylic on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $4,000/5,000
Lot #1461: PHILIP GUSTON - Untitled #2 - Colored pencils and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $20,000/25,000
Lot #1463: KEITH HARING - Untitled 1981 (#2) [three barking dogs] - Color offset lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $400/500
Lot #1464: SIGMAR POLKE - Untitled Rorschach Blot - Gouache and watercolor on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $25,000/30,000
Lot #1465: CY TWOMBLY - Untitled Study - Oil and acrylic on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $20,000/25,000
Lot #1466: ALBERTO GIACOMETTI - Vase de fleurs - Pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $12,000/15,000
Lot #1467: KARIMA MUYAES - Ventanas - Color etching with aquatint
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,000/1,200
Lot #1469: MEXICAN SCHOOL (EX-VOTO ARTIST) 20TH CENTURY - Vintage Ex-Voto / Retablo: Estamos muy agradecidos - Oil on tin
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $500/600
Lot #1470: MEXICAN SCHOOL (EX-VOTO ARTIST) 20TH CENTURY - Vintage Ex-Voto / Retablo: Me pude levantar… - Oil on tin
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $400/600
Lot #1471: MEXICAN SCHOOL (EX-VOTO ARTIST) 20TH CENTURY - Vintage Ex-Voto / Retablo: Señor de la Caña - Oil on tin
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $500/600
Lot #1472: MEXICAN SCHOOL (EX-VOTO ARTIST) 20TH CENTURY - Vintage Ex-Voto / Retablo: Tengo mucho que agradecer al Niño de Atocha - Oil on tin
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/700
Lot #1473: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #02 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,000/1,200
Lot #1474: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #04 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $2,000/2,500
Lot #1475: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #06 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/3,500
Lot #1476: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #07 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/3,500
Lot #1477: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #09 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $5,000/6,000
Lot #1478: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #10 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $6,000/8,000
Lot #1479: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #12 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $8,000/10,000
Lot #1480: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #13 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $12,000/15,000
Lot #1481: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #14 - Original vintage textile
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $12,000/15,000
Lot #1482: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT / TALIESIN ARCHITECTS - Vintage Frank Lloyd Wright / Taliesin Architects Designed Rug / Carpet from the Arizona Biltmore Hotel #17 - Original vintage textile
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $20,000/25,000
Lot #1483: KARIMA MUYAES - Voces y Cantos - Color etching with aquatint
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1484: PAUL KLEE - Vor Damonen fliehen - Watercolor and pen and ink on paper
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $25,000/30,000
Lot #1485: ANDY WARHOL - Warhol "Mobel" Soup Can - Marker drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $2,000/2,500
Lot #1486: JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT & ANDY WARHOL - Warhol * Basquiat Paintings - Original color offset lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $4,000/5,000
Lot #1487: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Washing Machine - Original color silkscreen
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1488: KARIMA MUYAES - Watermelon Dance - Color monoprnt
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/800
Lot #1489: SOL LEWITT - Wavy Horizontal Brushstrokes - Gouache on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $12,000/15,000
Lot #1490: ALEXEJ VON JAWLENSKY - Weiblicher Kopf - Watercolor and pen and ink on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $25,000/30,000
Lot #1491: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Whaam! - Original color offset lithographs
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,500/4,000
Lot #1492: ROY LICHTENSTEIN - Whaam! - Original color offset lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/3,500
Lot #1494: E(RNEST) H(OWARD) SHEPARD - Winnie the Pooh and Piglet - Watercolor and ink drawing on paper
Pre-auction estimates: $12,000/15,000
Lot #1495: YOUSUF KARSH - Winston Churchill - Original vintage photogravure
Pre-auction estimates: $800/1,000
Lot #1496: ANSEL ADAMS - Winter Sunrise, the Sierra Nevada from Lone Pine, California - Original photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1497: PAUL KLEE - With the Two Strays ["Avec les deux egares'] - Original color collotype
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/700
Lot #1498: MAN RAY - Woman with Long Hair - Original vintage photogravure
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $400/500
Lot #1499: KARIMA MUYAES - Yoruba - Original color lithograph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $600/700
Lot #1500: RUDOLF KOPPITZ - Zwei Bruder - Original vintage photometalgraph
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $1,200/1,500
Lot #1501: ANDY WARHOL - $ - Dollar Sign - Black marker drawing on green rip-stop nylon laundry bag
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $50,000/60,000
Lot #1502: GOSTA ADRIAN-NILSSON (GAN) - Acrobaites III, Paris - Gouache, watercolor, and pen drawing on paper
Pre-auction estimates: $18,000/20,000
Lot #1503: MARC CHAGALL - Amoureux avec un bouquet - Gouache, pastel, brush and India ink on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $50,000/60,000
Lot #1504: KARIMA MUYAES - Ancestors - Oil on canvas
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/4,000
Lot #1506: PAUL CEZANNE - Arbres au bord d'une route en Provence - Watercolor and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $125,000/150,000
Lot #1510: ANDY WARHOL - Campbell's Soup Can - Marker drawing on Studio 54 letterhead stationery
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/4,000
Lot #1512: AMEDEO MODIGLIANI - Caryatid bleue - Colored wax crayons, charcoal, and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $400,000/500,000
Lot #1513: MARC CHAGALL - Cheval bleu et amoureux - Watercolor, gouache, ink, and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $40,000/50,000
Lot #1514: PABLO PICASSO - Cinzano Vermouth - Asti - Papier collé (collage): cut-and-pasted wove papers, crayon, and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $250,000/300,000
Lot #1515: BENJAMIN GREENSTEIN BENNO - Complex Enzyme - Oil on canvas
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $3,000/4,000
Lot #1518: JOSEPH CSAKY - Composition - Watercolor and ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $4,000/5,000
Lot #1527: JACQUES LIPCHITZ - Composition avec des instruments - Papier colle (collage), oil, gouache, and charcoal painting on board
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $25,000/30,000
Lot #1528: JOSEPH CSAKY - Composition cubiste - Watercolor and ink drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $5,000/6,000
Lot #1529: GEORGES VALMIER - Composition cubiste - Watercolor and gouache drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $12,000/15,000
Lot #1530: LEON BAKST - Costume Design for Tamara Karsavina As La Fiancee in Le Dieu Bleu I - Watercolor, gouache, and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $30,000/35,000
Lot #1532: LOUIS MARCOUSSIS - Dame au chapeau - Gouache, watercolor, and crayon drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $8,000/10,000
Lot #1533: ALBERT GLEIZES - Dame au piano - Gouache and pencil drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $10,000/12,000
Lot #1534: SONIA DELAUNAY - Danseuse avec un chapeau - Gouache, watercolor, and crayon drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $10,000/12,000
Lot #1535: AUGUSTE RODIN - Desir enveloppe - Gouache, wash, brush, and pen and ink drawing on paper
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $100,000/125,000
Lot #1537: FERNAND LEGER - Deux femmes - Mixed media drawing on paper
| Buy it Now
| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $10,000/12,000
Lot #1538: ANDY WARHOL - Dollar Signs - $$$ - Black marker drawings on green rip-stop nylon laundry bag
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $35,000/40,000
Lot #1540: KARIMA MUYAES - Karima Muyaes: El Color del Espi´ritu / Color of the Spirit - Book
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| Make Offer Pre-auction estimates: $90/100