Artist: Pierre Boucher (French, 1908-2000). Title: "Jeune garcon nu". Medium: Original vintage photogravure. Date: Composed c1935. Printed 1935. Dimensions: Image size: 10 x 8 1/2 in. (254 x 216 mm). Pricing: Starting Price: $225 Reserve Price: N.A. Auction Sale Price Estimate: $300/400 Lot Note(s): Stamped with the photographer's name, verso. Edition size unspecified, presumed small. High-grade archival paper. Printed to the edge of the sheet. Fine, quality printing. Very good to fine condition; affixed to very thin and supple archival acid-free support sheet, not mount/board. Comment(s): Boucher, a pioneer of photomontage (a mixture of two related but quite different media), always remained part photographer, part designer. Often this synthesis resulted in a happy marriage, as in his 1955 poster for the International Photography and Cinema Biennial. He met Herbert Matter at the Deberny et Peignot type foundry, where Charles Peignot acted over many years as a catalyst for new graphic art. Boucher founded Arts et Métiers Graphiques, the leading pre-war French design magazine. With friends he also founded the Alliance Photo, experimenting with all kinds of photographic techniques. Image copyright © The Estate of Pierre Boucher. [29470-2-225-NA] |