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Lot #3243: JAMES RIZZI - When the Cows Come to the Big Apple - Color silkscreen

Lot #3243: JAMES RIZZI - When the Cows Come to the Big Apple - Color silkscreen

  Lot #3243: JAMES RIZZI - When the Cows Come to the Big Apple - Color silkscreen   Lot #3243: JAMES RIZZI - When the Cows Come to the Big Apple - Color silkscreen   Lot #3243: JAMES RIZZI - When the Cows Come to the Big Apple - Color silkscreen

Pre-auction estimates:  $1,200/1,500
Sale price: $995


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Artist: James Rizzi (American, 1950-2011).
Title: "When the Cows Come to the Big Apple".
Medium: Color silkscreen.
Date: Composed 2000.
Dimensions: Overall size: 25 1/2 x 35 7/16 in. (648 x 900 mm). Image size: 19 5/8 x 30 in. (498 x 762 mm).
  Starting Price: $800
  Reserve Price: N.A.
  Auction Sale Price Estimate: $1,200/1,500
Lot Note(s): Bears complimentary signature in pencil, lower right; titled and dated in the plate. A proof aside from the regular edition. Light cream wove paper. Full margins. Fine impression. Fine condition.
Comment(s): A rare "flat-print" proof for a proposed "3-D" edition, not intended for sale or distribution. Rizzi was an American pop artist who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. While at the University of Florida he came up with the idea of 3D multiples now mostly associated with his name. Having taken classes in painting, printmaking, and sculpture, he had to hand in grade work for all three subjects, but only had time for doing one. So he created an etching, printed it twice, handcolored it, and mounted parts of the one print on top of the other, using wire as a means of adding depth. Printer unknown, edition published by John Szoke Editions, New York. [27753-6-800-NA]
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