Artist: Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881 - 1973). Title: "Bal Olympic: Vrai bal sportif costume (Programme) [Picasso *one original lithograph*, Manet, et al] [Portfolio/Book] [program for the 1924 Ball organized by the Union des Artistes Russes in Paris]". Medium: Original lithographs. Date: Composed 1924. Dimensions: Image size: 11 1/4 x 9 3/4 in. (286 x 248 mm). Pricing: Starting Price: $1,200 Reserve Price: N.A. Auction Sale Price Estimate: $1,500/1,800 Lot Note(s): Several lithographs signed in the plate. All lithographs with artist credit. Small edition?. Heavy wove paper. Fine impressions. Fine condition. Comment(s): Highly important and rare. The second ball of the Union of Russian Artists in Paris. 12 pages. The printed program is a typographical and artistic masterpiece. Includes Pablo Picasso's original lithograph "Mercure: Etude de Danseur" executed by Picasso after the pencil drawing of the same name, and apparently found only in this program (see: Online Picasso Project, 24:199 for the drawing). Other original lithographs by and after Manet, Vassilieff, Fotinsky, Granovsky, Barthe, and Chatzman. Contains extensive listings of events and contributors. Undoubtedly produced by Francois Bernouard, Paris, like that for the Bal Travesti/Transmental, though the program carries no credit. Picasso images copyright © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. [19198-2-1200-NA] |